Маркарьян Рубен Валерьевич - Адвокат

Телефон приемной: +7 (495) 691-62-63, электронная почта: markaryan@zakonia.ru

Armenians' genocide? This concerns me...

Some may doubt that admitting of genocide is of such great importance: Turkey has already acknowledged mass slaughter, is not that enough? Why exactly Genocide? "Aren’t you able to forgive?" – people ask me... – This is not Christian-like..."
The point is that the Turks have long been Christian-like forgiven, but their deeds remain unforgiven. My great-great-grandfather was a distinguished wine-maker, who received congratulations from a Russian Emperor for his birthday and was killed during slaughter. My great-grand-mother managed to escape to Taganrog, where I was born. My maternal line forefathers are Polish and Greek, paternal line forefathers are Russian and Armenian.... So why should genocide be acknowledged? Because it not right to justify the annihilation of the whole nation. It does not matter much which nation.
As a military professional I understand that in wartime there will always be victims among civilians. But they shouldn’t be specifically planned. Using legal language the acknowledgement of this simple thing has one basic preventive function. This just should not happen again!