“ZAKONIA” is an electronic mass media (license #FS77-33294 dated 02/10/08). Main purpose of the website is to become a united point of access to the most acute information concerning changes in legislation and play a role of efficient guide among governmental bodies, institutions and common citizens.
Website ZAKONIA is dedicated to different legal issues and peculiarities of application of law in different spheres of life. ZAKONIA embraces a wide range of questions such as business, education, tourism, sport, law, relations between people and authorities and so on, - such a variety of thematic areas gives opportunity to unite people of different ages and social categories in one informational legal space.
The Editorial and Legal Councils of the website includes:
Karpov Anatoly E. – ambassador of the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF), President of the International Association of Peace Funds, Vice-Chairman of the the Public Charitable Council of Moscow, member of the Public Council of Committee of Enquiry of the Public Prosecutor's Office;
Fedorov Igor B. – chancellor of Moscow State Engineering University of Bauman, academic of the Russian Academy of Science;
Turkin Mikhail L. – First Deputy of the Director of the Federal Migration Service (FMS of Russia), lieutenant general of the police, doctor of legal science, professor;
Moskalkova Tatyana N. – deputy of the chairman of the State Duma Committee on CIS matters and relations with compatriots; State Duma member of Fair Russia fraction, major general of the police, doctor of legal science, professor;
Gaev Dmitry V. – head of State Unitary Enterprise “Moscow Metropolitan”;
Marchenko Mikhail N. – President of Association of Legal Universities, head of theory of state and law and political science department of Mocsow State University of Lomonosov; doctor of legal science, professor;
Abramyan Ara A. – president of All-Russia public organization “Union of Armenians of Russia”, President of the World Armenian Congress, honorary ambassador of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation, member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, member of the Public Chamber Commission on interethnic relations and freedom of conscience;
Ralko Vasily E. – president of the Moscow City Notary Chamber;
Denisov Oleg I. – chairman of the Russian Association of Students’ Labor Unions;
Semenyako Evgeny V. – President of the Federal Chamber of Advocates of the Russian Federation, Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation, doctor of legal science, professor;
Kalinin Yury I. – Director of the Federal Penitentiary Service, colonel general of justice.
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